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What is Level 1 market data?

For example, a Level 1 quote might show a stock’s price as $10 per share, with a bid price of $9.90 and an ask price of $10.10. The bid size of 500 shares and the ask size of 250 shares. Level 1 market data also includes the price and size of the last transaction made for that stock. What is Level 2 Market Data?

What is Level 1 data?

Level I data, also known as top-of-book data, is an unfiltered tick-by-tick feed of the last traded price, plus the best bid and best ask...

How can level 2 market data be used for trading?

Here are a few of the ways in which Level 2 market data can be used for trading. Level 2 data provides a much fuller picture of the market for a stock than Level 1 data. Level 1 data only shows the current best bid and ask prices – the trading equivalent of seeing just the tip of an iceberg.

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